Future Truck Committee Information Report: 2001-2 Innovation in Future Truck Cab Designs An Exploration of New Possibilities

Future Truck Committee Information Report: 2001-2 Innovation in Future Truck Cab Designs An Exploration of New Possibilities

This paper is a result of a “freewheeling” consideration of changes in the layout of vari- ous cab components and driver positioning and the effect of such changes on safety and operations. It is meant to provoke discussion and encourage innovation. The authors do not necessarily advocate any particular design or approach, but they do advocate spirited debate and serious consideration of the value of these changes to cab design. This challenge to the traditional cab layout allows the truck designer more flexibility to engineer out some inherent limitations of today’s chassis and cabs, limitations on serviceability, maintainability, ergonomics, visibility, driver productivity, cost of ownership, and safety. Current heavy-duty tractor cab designs have reached new plateaus of efficiency, safety and driver convenience. In the quest for continuous improvement it is timely to consider the next plateaus. Possible approaches are considered that flow from simple changes, such as repositioning the radiator and other cab components, and which open up revolutionary design possibilities. These possibilities can measurably increase fuel economy, enhance productivity and occupant safety.

Issued: March 2001
