Future Truck Position Paper 2018-4: Recommendations Regarding the Use of High-Strength-to-Weight-Ratio Materials For Trailers and Truck Bodies

Future Truck Position Paper 2018-4: Recommendations Regarding the Use of High-Strength-to-Weight-Ratio Materials For Trailers and Truck Bodies

Demands for “lightweighting” trailers and truck bodies will inevitably increase as greenhouse gas reduction, fuel consumption reduction, alternate energy utilization, electric propulsion,and automated vehicle adoption accelerate in coming years. The purpose of this position pa- per is to discuss technical aspects of how — through development of improved metal alloys, composite, and new metal/composite constructed materials — the goals of lightweighting canbe achieved for trailers and truck bodies with high effectiveness. TMC’s Future Trailer Pro- ductivity Task Force recommends a series of goals and actions which may be undertaken incontinuous, collaborative efforts to acheive lightweighting of future transportation equipment.

Issued: December 2018

Position Paper