Future Truck Program Position Paper 2004-1: Future Systems for Protection of Electronics Subsystems Against Lightning Effects
Future truck electrical/electronic systems will encompass batteries, electronics and communication systems. Today, many electronic controllers used with components such as engines, antilock brakes, transmissions, dash instrumentation and fleet-added components (such as satellite transceivers, computers, fax and printers) are permanently damaged by effects of close and direct lightning strikes. The trucking industry has identified the need for further enhancements resulting in improved product performance, maintenance and safety, while meeting the increased demand for added protection against damage caused by lightning strikes. Any improvements made should not adversely affect, and must be compatible with, other systems components. This TMC Future Truck Program Position Paper describes the needs of fleets with respect to future electrical/electronic systems during the next 5-10 years time frame. It does not provide, nor recommend, specific solutions to satisfy stated expectations. Rather, it provides manufacturers an opportunity to develop and manufacture products for the North American trucking industry that meet certain fleet-driven expectations.
Issued: March 2005
Position Paper