Future Truck Program Position Paper 2006-1: Future Systems for Light- and Medium-Duty Vehicle Exhaust Aftertreatment

Future Truck Program Position Paper 2006-1: Future Systems for Light- and Medium-Duty Vehicle Exhaust Aftertreatment

The mandate for reduced tailpipe emissions from heavy-duty diesel powered vehicles has already left its mark on the trucking industry with the implementation of EPA’s 2004 standards. Technologies developed to meet the 2004 standards have been reasonably successful and, for the most part, have not required the use of expensive aftertreatment devices. While in- cylinder control of the combustion process should ultimately prove to be the most effective way to control emissions, there are those within the industry that believe that the cost-benefit peak has been reached. As the industry begins implementing 2007 and 2010 standards, the complexity of the emissions reduction puzzle will increase.

Issued: March 2006

Position Paper