Incidence of Component Damage Due to Heavy-Duty Oil & Hydraulic Leakage

Based upon reports that premature seal deterioration and component leakage related to heavy-duty cycle hydraulic fluids and/or engine oils may be more severe than in past experience, TMC conducted a survey of its fleet and service provider members to determine if action is required to help equipment users avoid truck failures with pump seals, wiring harnesses and other components.
Based on survey results, TMC research does not indicate a widespread negative impact. However, any leakage of lubricating fluids can affect wiring harnesses, especially if the wiring specification falls outside of TMC recommendations. When cabling is affected, it most likely leads to a loss of function in the components powered by or using said cabling. Reported instances of failures were mostly associated with severe duty cycles.
TMC will continue to monitor this issue and follow with additional surveys and research as needed.