Tomorrow’s Truck Position Paper Series

Tomorrow’s Truck Position Paper Series

In 1984, The Maintenance Council (TMC) of the American Trucking Associations launched a new initiative aimed at increasing awareness of equipment user needs and influence among manufacturers and suppliers. This initiative was called “Tomorrow’s Truck.” TMC undertook this mission because of a firm belief by its members that equipment users are the best source of information about the demands put upon vehicles. Since 1984, TMC’s Tomorrow’s Truck Program has been successful at promoting activities that improve transport equipment, its maintenance and maintenance management by influencing future equipment design through collective equipment user input. The Tomorrow’s Truck Committee creates Tomorrow’s Truck Task Forces to develop position papers on equipment user needs and expectations of future vehicle designs. These Task Forces state “what” users want in future designs, leaving manufacturers to determine the “how” through their own efforts and through TMC Recommended Practices and other industry standards development.

Issued: 1998 

Position Paper