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Catch the latest videos from ATA's Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) on our YouTube Channel.
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Here's a short video to celebrate and recognize our commercial vehicle technicians. Enjoy and please share!
PLAY VIDEOIn this episode of Two Minutes with TMC, we speak with a few of our members on the importance of embracing diversity and inclusion in the trucking industry.
TMCSuperTech 2021 top place finishers and skills station winners were announced during TMC’s 2021 Fall Meeting & Transportation Technology Exhibition held Sept. 12-16. Chris Tate, Mohawk Trucks, was crowned Grand Champion.
TMC General Chairman & Treasurer Stacey Earnhardt discusses National Technican Appreciation Week 2021 and the importance of professional technicians in the industry.
A video recap of TMC's 2021 Fall Meeting & Transportation Technology Exhibition in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 12-16.
This is Jack Poster, VMRS Services Manager at TMC, inviting you to stop by the TMC products booth #15 at the upcoming TMC meeting in Cleveland. I’ll be there answering any questions you might have about VMRS. If you’re a novice or have been using VMRS for many years, it’s the perfect time to meet and discuss the many facets of VMRS. I look forward to seeing you in Cleveland!
Check out what people are saying about #TMCFall21!